Swiss O Days 2025

Next Swiss O Days will take place in 2025:

12./13. july 2025: Heidiland
14.-17. august 2025: Mornera/Robiei

Flyer (pdf Download)

Invitation (pdf Download)


Swiss Orienteering Days are small orienteering events that offer you an experience in the Swiss Alps with a pinch of adventure. The Swiss O Days are organised in accordance with the rules of Swiss Orienteering. 

Entries / reservations 

Entries and reservations can only be made online on Changes can also only be made online. 

When entering teams each team member should be identified with first name, surname and year of birth. The year of birth of the oldest competitor decides the entry fee. Additional reservations (including extra maps) should be made if required. 

Entries and reservations are only valid when the corresponding fees have been paid. 

By entering, the runner accepts this invitation and the final details ( as an integral part of the contract. 

Changes to entries 

Changes can only be made online and prior to the closing date. This includes passing on start slots that have become free. Use the link on the confirmation mail. 

Late entries  

None; start places can be passed on within the same class at the information in the event centre for a fee of CHF 5. 

Cancellation of entries 

Entries can only be cancelled up to the closing date for entries by informing The entry fee will be refunded minus 10% and any bank charges incurred. 


Non-starters have no right to a refund of the entry fee. The race maps will be sent by post. 


A: long course, technically highly demanding 

B: medium length course, technically highly demanding 

C: short course, technically highly demanding 

D: medium length course, medium technical level 

E: long course, technically easy 

F: short course, technically easy 

Individuals and teams (e.g. him & her, family, etc.) can take part in any class. It is possible to run in one race as an individual and in another in a team. The team members can be different from race to race.  

If there is a large number of entries for any class, parallel courses will be provided (e.g. A1 and A2). The course is allocated at the start. Simultaneous starts are possible (= relay feeling). 

SI card 

If you do not have an SI card then one must be hired when entering (CHF 2). 

Control descriptions 

At the start and printed on the map. 


Sacks for PET and rubbish  

Clear and test SI card. 

Take control descriptions 

Teams with multiple maps should inform the head start official 

Take the correct map out of the box yourself 

Punch start (flying start list) 


The controls are to be visited in the specified order. Each team is free to decide who visits which control. 

Every control has an SI unit and a needle punch. Punch the controls with the SI card. In the event of defective AIR+ (empty battery in the SIAC), punch in the hole of the SI unit. If the SI unit is defective (no acoustic or optical signal) or missing, punch the map with the punch.  


Punch the finish unit otherwise you will not have a result. 

Time limit 

None, but respect the closing time of the finish. 


The reading out of the SI card in the event centre is obligatory and serves as a check that all runners have ended the competition and are back at the event centre.  

If there are parallel courses in a class then the map should be shown so the course/class can be recorded. 

Retired runners 

Runners that do not complete the race must report to the SI read-out station in the event centre to avoid unnecessary searches. 


A runner that has not had the SI card read out in the event centre or has not reported to the read-out station is viewed as missing. If the runner cannot be reached by mobile phone, a search will be started. Such a search can be very expensive and will be charged to the negligent runner. 


The weather can change quickly in the mountains. Take sufficient warm and weatherproof clothing with you! In the event of bad weather the organiser can insist on the wearing of suitable clothing, in particular rain jackets. 

Cancellation of the race 

In extreme situations (primarily weather) a cancellation or postponement of the race can occur up to midday on the day before the race. This would be communicated on and The entry fee will be refunded minus 10% and any bank charges incurred. 

If a race has to be cancelled or abandoned after midday on the day before the race due to force majeure, unusual risks, demands of the authorities or transport difficulties for which the organiser has no responsibility, there is no right to a refund of the entry fee. 


If an alternative date is defined then a cancelled race can be postponed to this day. All entries for the original date remain valid for the new date. 

Anyone who cannot take part on the new date should cancel their entry before the new closing date via The entry fee will be refunded minus 10% and any bank charges incurred. 

Anyone who can only take part on the alternative date able to enter after the postponement. 


Insurance is the responsibility of the participant. The organisers, their partners and their helpers accept no liability for any risks, in particular health risks. It is the responsibility of the participant to be healthy, in a well-trained condition and suitably equipped when reporting to the start. 

The organiser accepts no liability for personal property left in the event centre. 

Data protection 

The personal data supplied will be used by the organising association Swiss O Week and the companies and persons involved by them purely for the purpose of the organisation and carrying out of the Swiss O Days/Week. This includes the participant information, advertising for the Swiss O Days and Swiss O Week, the handling of entries, processing the fees, the preparation of transport plans, start lists and results. 

The runner guarantees to supply the organiser with personal data of third parties only when these third parties or their legal representatives are aware of this declaration of data protection and the runner is entitled according to data protection laws to give the personal data to the organiser. The organiser is permitted to publish the results on the internet which will include name, year of birth, place of residence, country of residence, club, running time (including split times at the controls) and the reason for non-classification or disqualification of the runner. 

Photos and videos made in conjunction with the Swiss O Days may be published by the organiser on the internet, in advertising material, magazines and books with unlimited distribution without any obligation for compensation. All photo and video rights lie exclusively with the organiser. 

Any questions about data protection should be directed to:   
